Christos Parizas I am a Ph.D. graduate of Cardiff University, School of Computer Science & Informatics. My research was funded by the International Technology Alliance, a UK Ministry of Defense and US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) joint research program. My research interest, lied at the broad area of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support, focusing on the management of large-scale IoT systems, leveraging Policy-based Management Technologies (PBMT). In collaboration with researchers at IBM Watson Research Center NY, IBM Research UK, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NY, Imperial College London and ARL, we worked towards the research and development of intelligent, user-friendly PBMT, using controlled natural language technologies for enforcing and analyzing high-level policies at or near the organizations' edge. Currently, I am working on Machine Learning problems and applications for medium size companies. July - October 2014: Graduate Level Co-op Research Intern U.S. Army Research Laboratory June - September 2013: Graduate Level Co-op Research Intern IBM Watson Research Center |
![]() Address: Queen's Buildings, 5 The Parade, Roath, Cardiff CF24 3AA, UK Phone: +44 (0) 2920879025 ![]() |
Journal Articles C. Parizas, G.D. Mel, A.D. Preece, M. Sensoy, S. Calo, T. Pham, Interest-based Negotiation for Policy-regulated Asset Sharing, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer International Publishing, 2016, 300-319 [PDF] A.D. Preece, D. Braines, D. Pizzocaro, C. Parizas, Human-Machine Conversations to Support Multi-Agency Missions, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications, 18(1):75-84, 2014 [PDF] Conference Publications S.Y. Shah, C. Parizas, G.D. Mel, B. Szymanskiy, A.D. Preece, D. Harries, J. Ibbotson, S. Pipes, Multi-layer Human-in-the-loop Service Management Utilizing Rule-based Policies and Set Theoretic Expressions, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Fall Meeting of ITA, Cardiff, UK, 2014 [PDF] P. Novotny, S.Y. Shah, C. Parizas, A.L. Wolf, B. Szymanski, A.D. Preece, Dynamic Multi-Layer Management of Service Based Systems in Hybrid Wireless Networks, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Fall Meeting of ITA, Cardiff, UK, 2014 [PDF] A.D. Preece, C. Gwilliams, C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, D. Braines, Conversational Sensing, Proceedings of the Next-Generation Analyst II, 2014 [PDF] D. Braines, G.D. Mel, C. Gwilliams, C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, A.D. Preece, Agile Sensor Tasking for COIST Using Natural Language Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of the Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR V, Baltimore, USA, 2014 [PDF] C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, A.D. Preece, P. Zerfos, Sharing Policies for Multi-Prtner Asset Management in Smart Environments, Proceedings of the IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS 2014 [PDF] C. Parizas, A.D. Preece, P. Zerfos, Y. Shah, B. Szymanski, C. Gibson, D. Harries, Leveraging Controlled English at the Network Edge for Policy-Based Management of ISR Services, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Fall Meeting of ITA, Palisades, NY, USA, 2013 [PDF] A.D. Preece, D. Braines, D. Pizzocaro, C. Parizas, T.L. Porta, Human-Machine Conversations to Support Coalition Missions with QoI Trade-Offs, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Fall Meeting of ITA, Palisades, NY, USA, 2013 [PDF] C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, A.D. Preece, P. Zerfos, Managing ISR Sharing Policies at the Network Edge Using Controlled English, Proceedings of the Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR IV, Baltimore, USA, 2013 [PDF] D. Pizzocaro, C. Parizas, A.D. Preece, D. Braines, D. Mott, J. Bakdash, CE-SAM: a Conversational Interface for ISR Mission Support, Proceedings of the Next-Generation Analyst, 2013 [PDF] C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, A.D. Preece, P. Zerfos, High-Level Sharing Policies and their Effect on Sensor-Task Assignment, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance (ACITA 2012), 2012 [PDF] Workshop Publications C. Parizas, G.D. Mel, A.D. Preece, M. Sensoy, S. Calo, T. Pham, Interest-based Negotiation for Asset Sharing Policies, Proceedings of the Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN 2015), 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015 [PDF] C. Parizas, D. Pizzocaro, A.D. Preece, P. Zerfos, Sharing Smart Environment Assets in Dynamic Multi-Partner Scenarios, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Management of the Future Internet, ManFI, 2014 [PDF] A.D. Preece, D. Braines, D. Pizzocaro, and C. Parizas, Human-Machine Conversations to Support Mission-oriented Information Provision, Proceedings of the ACM MiSeNet, 2013 [PDF] Demos C. Parizas, et al., CE-Based Policies Conflict Analysis for Sensor Services Management in Information Fabric, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Fall Meeting of ITA, Palisades, NY USA, 2013 [PDF] [Video] |